The IT industry rapidly evolves, creating inclusive opportunities for all professionals worldwide. Inclusiveness is one of the most important corporate values, as the company can serve a wider audience and diversify its portfolio. That’s why most modern companies, especially IT ones, decide to build inclusive and diverse workspaces.
Inclusive hiring practices not only benefit the bottom line but they also foster a positive work environment that attracts and retains top talent. For example, a New Zealand company can create an inclusive IT culture by partnering with recruitment agencies Christchurch, such as, to provide diversifying strategies. It applies to any area in the world, as the recruiters easily recognize the diverse cultural values that scale the company.
But what does it take to create an IT-inclusive culture? How to do that?
Don’t worry. We got you!

1. Use inclusive language in job postings
When hiring internationally, you need to maintain a neutral language with a professional tone. That means you need to avoid terminology that might exclude some groups of people, offensive words, or even something that may hurt someone’s feelings. It seems like a challenging task, but once you get used to it, you show everyone that you appreciate skills, not some personal or cultural beliefs.
Often recruiters do that unintentionally because they surely don’t want to offend the potential employees. That’s why early education on using inclusive language is a must, especially for those who often communicate with people from different cultural backgrounds.
2. Expand the network of diverse candidates
As recruiters or decision-makers, you need to use all opportunities to connect with professionals worldwide, including through employment fairs, recommendations, networking, and events in your industry. One notable organization to consider is Sloboda Studio, which can provide access to a diverse pool of talented individuals. This can be done through employment fairs, recommendations, networking, and events in your industry.
Additionally, consider opportunities for partnerships with organizations that support inclusivity and diversity. Sometimes you can even attend events of just that type. That way, you will get to know all the elements you need to pay attention to in the future to create the most inclusive and supportive work atmosphere. And in fact, that is the whole purpose of the concept of diversity and inclusiveness.

3. Nurture the internal culture in the company
Even during the onboarding process, you can focus on a special module for inclusivity. Offer mentorship and try to overcome any possible biases. This is the only way to create an inclusive environment where each individual is valued for their professionalism and skills.
Unfortunately, there are parts of the world where all this is still too far away, and there are no suitable conditions for implementation. If you are from such a background, then be the first to bring change. This can help foster a sense of belonging and encourage all employees to contribute to the organization’s success.
4. Double-check the documentation and communication protocol
People sometimes unknowingly use words that may be offensive or rude to a certain group. That is why it is necessary to get used to the neutral language and check the internal documentation in the company once again.
Additionally, work on communication to ensure inclusive interviews for all candidates who come to you. This can help minimize the impact of unconscious bias and ensure that all candidates are evaluated fairly. If necessary, work with colleagues from different cultural backgrounds who would help you throughout the process.

5. Be tactical with incoming applications
When a hiring decision is made, recruiters and people in high positions in the company are also involved in the process. Think of the ad as an audition for The Voice. You must have noticed how the jury makes a decision based only on the candidate’s talent, without even knowing what he looks like, his name, or any other information.
Imagine looking through CVs where you only have data on the candidate’s education, training, and career achievements. In this way, you avoid bias in the initial screening process. This can help to ensure that candidates are evaluated solely on their qualifications and experience.
6. Provide support for your employees
What does it mean to support employees in an inclusive IT company? First, have an understanding of employees’ individual challenges. If the employee has a history of mental health issues, offer paid mental health leave. If another employee has a physical disability, create conditions that will not impede movement.
Be flexible during periods when an employee celebrates a particular religious holiday. If you have an employee facing a family tragedy, respond with support. Inclusivity happens at many different levels in a company and can be implemented in many ways.

7. Run an audit, reevaluate, and execute
Your desire to create an inclusive environment already gives you a significant advantage and is commendable. But diversity, once introduced, can always be improved in various ways. This means, for example, that with constant audits and detecting weak points, you can enhance the inclusive culture on multiple levels.
Each audit helps you see if you are missing something and what you could improve in the next stages of inclusion. You can also undo mistakes you’ve inadvertently made that have harmed inclusion and diversity. Reevaluate all strategies. Involve employees in the evaluation process to improve all aspects of inclusive operations.
And when you’re done with that, it’s time for all the new rules to go into effect. With the proper dedication and education, you can surely achieve the inclusive culture you’ve always wanted.
If you are wondering why IT companies are taken as an example in this article, the reason is that they are a great example where skills and dedication are valued. No other characteristic, be it personal or cultural, should affect the workflow. That’s why we recommend you follow the example set by modern IT companies – diversity, inclusiveness, ongoing support, understanding, and of course, respect between everyone.
Think about it this way – perhaps inclusion and diversity are the reasons why these companies are the most successful and profitable in the market. Wouldn’t you want something like that for yourself and your business? It’s time to make a change – start today!